Is Noro the strongest ghoul?

Perguntado por: aperes . Última atualização: 18 de maio de 2023
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Out of all ghouls acknowledged by the CCG, Noro was considered to be one of the strongest ghouls, excluding the One-Eyed Owl and Shachi. Bikaku Kagune: Noro had a very thick, lamprey-like kagune with a functional mouth.

Tatara is stronger than his brother according to Houji, Tatara's brother killed 15 special class investigators.

1 Matasaka Is A Martial Arts Expert
Most people call him Orca. He's a powerful ghoul who trained all of his subordinates when he led the 6th ward before he was sent to Cochlea. After he got out during the second raid, he jointed Aogiri Tree for a short time after negotiations.

NoroBaby boy name meaning, origin, and popularity.

Honestly, Noro is kind of better. Noro reduces damage by about 50%. Takizawa is mostly about aim, it has long ranged attacks mostly.


Definition. Ghouls are rated based upon various factors, including their basic strengths, activity levels, influence and hostility towards investigators. In modern-day, there are six rating levels, from SSS (the most powerful) to C (the weakest).

The Fast Ghoul is a ghoul appearing in both normal survival mode and ghoul mode. It is the fastest out of all ghouls, but does the least damage per hit. Even though it does low damage per hit, it can still quickly kill a devaster.

But even with all the power in the world, Kaneki is no match for Arima. As a matter of fact, it was a totally one-sided fight. Arima didn't even break a sweat as he impaled Kaneki's head and ended his futile struggle.

Noro's is a unique bikaku kagune in Ro-Ghoul. Noro's kagune takes on the form of a long, worm-like bikaku with a large mouth at the end which also consists of a tongue, is capable of consuming food and healing the user. Noro possesses a kakuja which manifests as a terrifying, seething mass of mouths and tentacles.

The clocks here play a role in the kagune's actions, this kagune is intelligent yes, but it lacks complex thinking, almost like a toddler, that's why noro carries a clock, so that he can carry out orders Eto and tatara give him at the right time, think of him as some type of artificial intelligence bot that is able to ...

Tokyo Ghoul's Kaneki becomes a human/ghoul hybrid when he gets the organs of a ghoul named Rize transplanted into him.


The CCG held insufficient information about Hinami, and therefore failed in eliminating her. She was known as subject Number 745 or Daughter in their files. Later, she joined Kaneki's group of ghouls. After the time skip, she became a member of Aogiri Tree.

Why are half ghouls stronger than full ghouls? Reference: One-eyed Ghoul “Rumours state that hybrids are more powerful than ordinary ghouls due to hybrid vigor, though it has not been further elaborated on.” Essentially they have faster recovery times making them hard to kill and hybrid vigor makes them resilient.

Appearance. Noro was an eerie giant of a ghoul with long black hair tied up in a ponytail. Noro wore a white mask featuring huge black lips, a huge mouth with equally massive teeth and tiny slits for nostrils. His fingernails were black, much like those of a pre-timeskip Kaneki.

Arima Kishou

It is known that Arima Kishou was the One Eyed King. He had taken the title because even though he was a half-human (physically human but with the abilities/senses of a ghoul, excluding the kagune). He was stronger than any ghoul, even Eto.

At the end of the Owl Suppression Operation, he faced Tatara together with Koutarou Amon and was subsequently reported dead by the CCG.

4) Amon / Takizawa - From what I saw, these two defeated eachother in the CCG labs, both having incredibly powerful Owl Kakuja forms. Takizawa seems to have more control over it, however, Amon's Kakuja itself seems far more powerful, but he can't control it at all.

Either one is good. Tatara is good with controlling a certain area due to the flames lingering and creating a hazardous area for your foes to fight. Taki is good if you want a play style that rewards aggression and being able to pull back to maintain minimal damage while also still punishing your foes.

However, Ukaku ghouls are extremely agile so they can most likely achieve something near flight, as long as their stamina holds. Eto can fly (both manga and anime) , it seems, in her kakuja form, so could Yoshimura, in the anime at least, however we all know that that isn't exactly canon.

However, they are also vulnerable to quinques and Q bullets, which can injure a ghoul effectively due to the nature of such weapons as products of a harvested kagune.

As an incomplete kakuja, Kaneki's loses all aspects of his personality when using this form and, as a result, fights like a psychotic berserker. Due to this, Kaneki only uses his kakuja form in the direst of situations.