How do you save Alice in turn to die?

Perguntado por: ltaveira . Última atualização: 19 de maio de 2023
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If Sara chooses to kill the fake Reko in the Final Attraction, Alice will be killed by the fake Reko's head exploding in his arms in the Room of Lies. If the fake Reko is not killed, Alice will survive but both Rekos will die.

The familyship sailed as a result of Reko and Alice canonically being siblings. Fan arts and fan fictions often portray the two back when they were in a band together. Others reference their feud over the years or making up during the game. Their relationship is often portrayed as fairly chaotic.

At the end of the second Main Game, if Kanna dies and Shin lives, Shin sets up a malicious Joe AI in the Room of Rubble as a way to avenge Kanna. Seeing the AI causes Sara to forget Joe entirely.

You only need Laura, Jacob, Abigail, Dylan, Ryan, Emma, Nick, Kaitlyn, and Max to survive in order to get the 'Rough Night' Trophy, but if you want to ensure nobody dies in The Quarry except for a few unavoidable deaths, you're going to have to do the QTE's yourself. Choose carefully.


Keiji occasionally calls Sara "cute", usually to deflect from answering her questions properly. However, he also often flirts with Sara without prompting, and other characters have commented on his flirtatious remarks toward Sara.

So between 20-23 is his age.

A person who is very watchful and careful

The meaning of Reko is : A person who is very watchful and careful, A person who is very watchful and careful.

If Kara abandons Alice and Markus does not save her, she will die in the recycling machine. If Kara fails to escape the center, they will be shot by the soldiers or die in the recycling machine.

If Todd kills Alice and Kara, that's... pretty much it. Their storyline is over, and a 'finale' cutscene is shown at the end of the chapter. You can hear Alice begging for Todd not to hurt her, then it fades to black, finishing with a scream from Alice.

Protecting Alice
You will have to hide with her in another room before Todd comes upstairs and hurts Alice. Hold the button down and hide in Todd's room and wait for him to pass by down the hall. When you see him go away, let go of the button and you'll immediately start running with Alice downstairs.

At Tom's house, Alice begins to fall in love with Tom. She shows her naked body to him when getting changed and has a shower, and he even climbs in bed with her to comfort her. Despite her being fifteen and him being forty, there is an attraction between them.

Chidouin Family
He ended up in the Death Game due to his ambition to protect Sara- when he received an email saying Sara was in the Death Game, he immediately ran to her house to stop her from going home.

The Alice stories were first created one legendary 'golden afternoon' on 4 July 1862. While entertaining the three Liddell sisters, Alice, Lorina and Edith, during a boating trip, Dodgson improvised the story that would become Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

In the official manga, it is implied that Sara holds a small crush or secret admiration for Joe, as she silently states her jealousy towards Ryoko when Joe walks her home, and when she states what she believed would be her last words in the First Trial ("Joe, you know I...").

Realizing Susan loves the unknown man, not him, crushes him. He doesn't tell her who he really is, but she seems to intuit something mystical about his identity. Struggling to comprehend the magnitude of their attraction, Susan refuses to recognize Joe as Death. He says "You know who I am".

Gin explained to Sara that he has autism. This explains Gin's verbal stims of using 'meow' and 'woof', which is common in people with learning disabilities. Gin further elaborated that for a while before the death game he was unable to go outside without his outfit.

Laura Kearney
Although she has at least four potential deaths in Chapters 9 and 10, the awesome female horror game protagonist Laura's inextricable link with Ryan makes her survival more difficult than many.

The Quarry: The 7 Most Brutal Deaths

  • 7 Dylan: Arms Ripped Apart.
  • 6 Kaitlyn: Devoured.
  • 5 Jacob: Cut In Half.
  • 4 Ryan: Devoured.
  • 3 Abigail: Head Torn Off.
  • 2 Ryan: Jammed Weapon In Head.
  • 1 Constance: Shot In The Face.

It is still possible to save Dylan if the monster bites his hand by using Ryan to amputate it before the infection spreads. This is best done by choosing the CONFIDENT dialogue option and then the CHAINSAW to successfully cut Dylan's arm off.

With the reveal that Shin and Kanna are biological siblings, the family ship became more prominent, as now Shin and Kugie were officially linked as family through Kanna.


September 2419