How did Gus realize Lalo was alive?

Perguntado por: sfrutuoso . Última atualização: 28 de maio de 2023
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After Bolsa and Gus visit Hector and promise him vengeance for Lalo's supposed death, Gus realizes from Hector's demeanor that Lalo is still alive. Now anticipating a revenge attack by Lalo, Gus has Mike arrange for around-the-clock guards for his home and businesses.

Because of the rivalry between Gus and Hector, Lalo becomes dedicated to disrupting Gus' legitimate restaurant business Los Pollos Hermanos and Lavandería Brillante, as well as his reputation with the cartel. Unlike his other rivals such as Walter White, Gus was highly fearful of Lalo due to his cunning and resilience.

Lalo died smiling as a nod to the maniacal personality he carried throughout life, but also to stress the satisfaction he derived from having been right about Gus. The familiar, creepy smirk was one final act of rebellion. Even in his most painful moment, he refused to let Gus see a glimmer of defeat on his face.

Lalo Salamanca was essentially defeated because he massively underestimated Gus, which was also part of Gus' plans for Lalo.

Lalo has the upper hand over Gus, but ultimately he is the one who ends up dead and buried beneath Gus's secret meth lab. Ultimately, Lalo's demise comes from a major mistake he made in his approach to fighting Gus -- a mistake that he was well aware of.

Eduardo 'Lalo' Salamanca

Eduardo 'Lalo' Salamanca
Pretty much from the word go, Lalo cements himself as not only the smartest of the Salamanca family but as one of the best and most intelligent villains of either series also. Lalo is as violent and as ruthless as his relatives but he also thinks several steps ahead.

Lalo on the other hand has no ties what so ever to Walter. Therefore first he'll go after his entire family, then he'll go after Walter. If you think Lalo who can break into a basically army base of Gus's men, with all the resources Gus had and almost won. Walter would stand no chance by himself.

In Better Call Saul season 6, episode 8, Gus kills Lalo because he knows that, if he doesn't, his rival will take him out instead. With seemingly no option but death, he shoots the cartel member and buries him in the superlab.

Most notably, Lalo Salamanca has been the most significant villain of Better Call Saul and easily rivaled those of the original series. He might be charismatic, but he's also unpredictable and psychopathic.

Gus was determined to be the one and only person to punish Hector Salamanca, and when Nacho decided to take things into his own hands and make an attempt on Hector's life, Gus was furious. He was used to people (Mike, for instance) stepping out of the way when it came to revenge on Hector.

From his sewer hiding place, Lalo tries phoning Hector, but when the line crackles, he realizes Gus Fring tapped the phones at Casa Tranquila.

Since Hector is the only one among the cartel (besides Gus) who knew Lalo was alive/"talked" to him after the attack, it seems that Lalo would not know about Nacho's death unless Hector somehow informed him. This was never shown, and Lalo was so wrapped up in his plans against Gus that he seemed to put Nacho aside.

Jimmy May Not Know For Sure That Lalo Is Dead
Saul mistakes Walt and Jesse for Lalo Salamanca's henchmen, but anyone working for Lalo would surely know Nacho was killed four years prior. While Saul knows that Nacho is dead, he doesn't necessarily believe that Lalo is, despite Mike's confession.

Needing a body to make his death look believable to Gus and the world, Lalo finds a man who closely resembles himself. He then encourages this man to shave his facial hair in a way that makes him look like Lalo's double.

Maximino "Max" Arciniega

Much of Gus's motives are driven by revenge for the death of his partner Maximino "Max" Arciniega by the Mexican cartel. Gus and Max's relationship was long implied to be more than business before their confirmation as lovers by showrunner Peter Gould in 2022.

Lalo knows Jimmy was involved with Mike and Gus because of the bullet-ridden car he found in the desert, and that makes the lawyer perfect for luring because if Jimmy starts telling Lalo everything he knows, Gus has another major problem on his hands.

Hector Salamanca
Speaking of dangerous Salamancas, Don Hector probably takes the cake. He's the head of the Salamanca family and was also the former high-level capo of the Juarez Cartel before being demoted (possibly due to his ultra-violent tendencies).